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Social Doctrine

The Working Catholic: Social DoctrineBy Bill Droel Modern Catholic social doctrine is officially 130-years old. It dates from Pope Leo XIII’s May 1891 encyclical, On the Condition of Labor. Subsequent popes (as will be mentioned) advance social doctrine, often on anniversaries of On the Condition of Labor. Doctrines are derived from reflection on the accumulated […]

Social Sin

The Working Catholic: Social Sinby Bill Droel Although social sin is Catholic doctrine, it is rarely part of sacrament preparation nor is it normally mentioned during the sacrament of reconciliation. Slavery, for example, is a social sin even if every Christian plantation owner had been kind, even if the pharaoh of olden times had not […]

From Mobilizing to Governance

The Working Catholic: Mobilizing and Governingby Bill Droel The young adult activists who inspired the world this past summer now have the challenge of translating their fervor into practical reform. It is the transition from mobilizing to governance.The founders of our country were more prepared for the transition to governance than other revolutionaries, argues Hannah […]

Farm Workers

The Working Catholic: LeRoy Chatfield. by Bill Droel Time is catching up with the founders of the United Farm Workers Union (www.ufw.org). Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) has been dead for 27 years. Rev. Jim Drake (1938-2001) died young. Larry Itliong (1913-1977), who started the famous Delano Grape Strike and National Boycott of September 1965, is gone. […]


The Working Catholic: Social Doctrineby Bill Droel Catholic social doctrine comes to us in a series of principles derived from Scripture, from science/reason (including social science) and indispensably from 2,000 years of Christian experience in all manner of social, political and cultural settings. There is no official list of these principles, though several pamphlets and […]

St. Francis

The Working Catholicby Bill Droel The modern age began, let’s say, in 1500. That date is precise enough to include two pioneers of modernity. Christopher Columbus made his trans-Atlantic journey and was discovered by Native-Americans in 1492. Martin Luther (1483-1546) took a 16 ounce hammer to the door of All Saints Church on the hollowed […]

God Takes Delight

The Working Catholic: God’s Pleasureby Bill Droel Ben Cross died last week. He was an actor best known for his portrayal of Harold Abrahams, an Olympic runner, in Chariots of Fire (Warner Brothers, 1924). Abrahams is a Jewish student at University of Cambridge. He has to deal with anti-Semitism on his way to the 1924 […]

Labor Apostle

The Working Catholicby Bill Droel There’s a new edition of Christian Socialism: An Informal History by John Cort (Orbis Books, 2020). Gary Dorrien of Union Theological Seminary provides its introduction. The book generally goes in chronological order from the New Testament onto the Church Fathers (East and West), then St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) and St. […]

St. Joseph

The Working Catholic: St. Joseph Dayby Bill Droel Some years ago I was part of a lobby group to change the feast of St. Joseph the Worker from May 1st to the first Monday in September. The change would apply only to dioceses in the United States; the country that has Labor Day in September. […]

Workers in New York

The Working Catholic: Exhibit about Workers by Bill Droel Museum of the City of New York (1220 Fifth St., New York, NY 10029) just ended an exhibit about the history of workers in its city. It’s not too late, however, to enjoy the exhibit. It is the basis for City of Workers, City of Struggle […]