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Will Starbucks Workers Ever Get a Contract?

In December 2021, a group of Starbucks Baristas in Buffalo NY voted to form a union, Starbucks Workers United, affiliated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Their example spread like wildfire, with employees at dozens and then hundreds of other locations voting to join the union. Today more than 10,000 workers at 440 stores […]

Labor Liturgies

Masses, prayers mark Workers’ Memorial Day, Feast of St Joseph the Worker Late Spring witnesses two major calendar dates for Catholic worker justice activists. April 28 is Workers’ Memorial Day, a holiday when the trade union movement remembers workers who have died on the job. And May 1 is observed worldwide as a holiday honoring […]

CLN Holds Open Meetings on Revisioning and Renewal

This spring, the Catholic Labor Network is in a time of revisioning and renewal.  In this spirit, we held two open meetings to members and subscribers to our newsletter on March 2 and 5, seeking input from our supporters on priorities for the network.  We want to hear from the wider faith and labor community […]

Labor Priest Celebrates Workers Memorial Day Mass in Maryland

By Mark Pattison for the Catholic Labor Network They came by the hundreds for Mass. That’s fairly typical on a Sunday morning. But a Thursday afternoon at 5 p.m.? It was Workers Memorial Day. Hundreds of union members and apprentices in the construction trades, along with members of other unions and some government officials and […]

Updates on Unions at Catholic Institutions

More than one million American workers are employed by Catholic hospitals, schools and other institutions. The Bishops’ 1986 pastoral letter Economic Justice for All reminded those managing these institutions that the Church’s social teaching on labor and workers’ rights applies to workers employed by the Church. “On the parish and diocesan level, through its agencies […]

Learn About Workplace Disputes Online at the Boston Labor Guild

Beginning April 22, Catholic Labor Network member and Arbitrator Michael Loconto will lead an online course on “Hot Topics in Workplace Disputes” through the Boston Labor Guild’s School of Labor-Management Relations. The course will feature ten arbitrators from around the country discussing a wide range of developing issues that are facing employees and employers in […]

Boston Labor Guild Brings Together Labor, Management

By Mark Pattison for the Catholic Labor Network It’s not every day that you see a labor guild of any type, much less one that accepts managers – and even lawyers – as members. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Boston Labor Guild. “The Labor Guild is actually a neutral organization,” says Lisa Field, the Guild’s […]

L.A. Hotel Workers Rework ‘Las Posadas’ amid Strike Threats

By Mark Pattison for the Catholic Labor Network   Thousands of workers at two dozen hotels in the Los Angeles area won contracts by the end of 2023 as UNITE HERE Local 11 has waged a campaign since April to win improved pay and benefits for union members – but thousands more are still waiting […]

Remembering Seafarers International Union President Michael Sacco

Courtesy of Fr. Sinclair Oubre, CLN Spiritual Moderator On Friday, December 29, 2023, the news spread quickly through the United States Maritime community that one of the elders of maritime labor had died the previous day in St. Louis, Missouri, surrounded by his family, after a short illness. In the wake of Michael Sacco’s passing, […]