Catholic Labor Network hosts “Listening Session” for Displaced Hotel Workers

Workers ask participants to boycott hotel until they are returned to work

For decades these workers, from housekeepers to banquet servers, had made the Sheraton Columbia the premier venue for weddings, meetings and conferences in Maryland’s Howard County – that is, until a new owner purchased the hotel and decided to throw them out like yesterday’s rubbish. Now the workers are fighting for their jobs, and asking the public not to patronize the renamed “Merriweather Lakehouse Hotel” until they get their jobs back.

Earlier this month, the Catholic Labor Network joined with community organization PATH (People Acting Together in Howard) to host a “listening session” where local clergy and faith activists could hear the story from the workers themselves.

During the meeting, clergy and parish social ministry leaders listened intently to the testimony of three workers who were seeking to return to their jobs. Angela Carrillo (pictured, in blue), a parishioner from nearby St John the Evangelist who had worked at the hotel for more than 20 years before the pandemic interrupted her career, was at a loss to understand why the new owner was refusing to rehire experienced employees. But she found some comfort learning that Marge Trenkle from the St John the Evangelist Social Ministry Team was listening closely to her testimony and bringing her story back to the parish.

This could not have happened in Baltimore, for instance, because the union and an alliance of community organizations – including the Catholic Labor Network – successfully pressed for a “right to recall” ordinance. Under the ordinance, city hotels that reopened after the pandemic were required to offer jobs to their laid-off employees before hiring replacements. But Howard County has no such law.

Fr. Ty Hullinger of Baltimore’s St Anthony of Padua Church observed,

I was deeply affected by something that one of the workers, Mr. Ty Hughes, shared at our table. As he talked about how the workers were finding their voices and building power through the boycott, he also described some of the suffering and loss that the workers have gone through, including ‘the loyalty that was stolen from the employees.’ When he shared this, it reminded me of when Pope Francis uses that same exact language of ‘robbery’ to describe the effects of unjust economies on persons and communities in The Joy of the Gospel. Here workers are being robbed of their loyalty. To know that this company has used the pandemic as a ruse to lockout workers with 5, 10, 15 years and more of experience that the hotel is unjust, immoral and it causes tremendous pain and suffering. It is also like stealing their loyalty and so much more. But the power, voice and solidarity that workers are building is what gives this boycott and movement hope. Hope that they will be given their jobs back, and that this same hope will help build power and support for workers in other places who have also lost their jobs when unjust employers use the pandemic to do the unthinkable.

Eternal Rest Grant to Her: The Passing of a Great Labor Advocate

by Fr. Sinclair Oubre, JCL, Spiritual Moderator of the Catholic Labor Network

Earlier this month, Robert Kambic called me with the sad news that his loving wife of 51 years and life-long workers and union advocate had passed away. Mary Kambic’s life was one of total commitment to her Catholic Faith and our Catholic Social Teaching regarding workers and unions.

There are so many labor stories that it would take a book to list them all. However, she and I worked together on one labor struggle that connected Pasadena, Texas and Baltimore Maryland. In 1996, Crown Petroleum lockedout their 252 Local 4-227 Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union (PACE) workers (now USW workers). The lockout lasted 5 years, and while I joined workers on the picket line in Pasedena, Mary lobbied the Jesuit priest, Fr. Hap Ridley, who sat on the Crown Petroleum Board of Directors. Sadly, she was not able to move him.

Mary and Robert always came to our CLN meeting during the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in D.C., and on a number of occasions, they showed me hospitality and warm Baltimore welcomes.

Even when Mary was struggling her health, she continued to work to organize adjunct professors at local Baltimore community colleges.

Mother Jones and Dorothy Day, you have a new heavenly sister.

Fr. Sinclair Oubre, J.C.L.

CLN Spiritual Moderator

Tenet-St. Vincent’s Strike Drags On

Readers of this blog will be familiar with our questions about what happens when for-profit corporations purchase Catholic hospitals. No man can serve two masters, our Lord reminded us (Mt 6:24). These tie-ups inevitably bring a tug-of-war between the mission of a Catholic hospital and the mission of delivering profits to shareholders.

The St Vincent’s Hospital strike in Worcester MA is a key example. Like the CWA members now on strike at Buffalo’s Mercy Hospital, the nurses at St Vincent’s walked off the job to protest inadequate staffing levels. The strike has dragged on more than six months. Tenet Corp., which owns the hospital, has hired replacement workers whom they say will permanently replace the striking nurses – a practice that the Church has condemned, supporting efforts during the 1990s to outlaw it.

Meanwhile, a Catholic Worker community nearby has been organizing solidarity for the strikers, circulating a petition on their behalf among area Catholics and appearing at events with banners supporting the nurses. It’s great to see a Catholic Worker community bearing witness in one of today’s critical labor struggles.

Strike Continues at Mercy Hospital

At Buffalo’s Mercy Hospital, a strike by some 2,500 nurses and other health care workers is dragging into its second week. The workers, represented by CWA Local 1133, began their strike on Oct. 1.

Nurses at the hospital say that inadequate staffing is causing enormous stress on the existing workforce and is damaging the quality of patient care.

Catholic Health told the Buffalo News that they are prepared to add 258 positions and give raises of 2-3% per year in the coming years, but the workers don’t think that’s enough – they are calling for staff-to-patient ratios to be written into the contract.

In an unusual development, Catholic workers employed at the hospital have formed a committee and have been conducting outreach in the Catholic community. The committee contends that under current management Mercy Hospital is falling short of the requirements for worker justice laid out in Catholic social teaching.

“There are people in the walls of Mercy Hospital who are making $13 an hour – that’s not a living wage,” said committee member Linda Bain (pictured), a Mercy Hospital RN and St. Teresa’s parishioner. “Mercy Hospital is a very different place than it was when the Sisters ran it.”

Webinar: Hilton Hotels is Playing Dirty with its Housekeepers

Did you know that Hilton is using COVID-19 as an opportunity to end daily housekeeping and eliminate housekeepers’ jobs?

It’s a dirty trick. The hotel chain is telling CUSTOMERS that routine daily room cleaning has been eliminated due to the pandemic, while telling INVESTORS that this is the new normal that will enable the hotels to boost profits by permanently eliminating jobs.

YOU can help. To find out how, join us Sept. 29 for a short 1-hour webinar.


  • Carrie Sallgren from UNITE HERE
  • Susan Gallicho, Housekeeper at the Hilton Hawaiian Village (and St Joseph’s RC Parishioner)
  • Clayton Sinyai, Executive Director of the Catholic Labor Network


Catholic Labor Network in the News

The Catholic Labor Network stepped up for vulnerable and low-income workers during the pandemic, and people are taking notice. That’s why our work is the focus of the recently released CCHD Quarterly Newsletter. Check out Catholic Labor Network: Defending Workers During and Beyond the Pandemic

On This Labor Day…

Fr. Ike Udoh, SJ of Blessed Sacrament Church has been standing with and comforting the workers of the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. He offers these thoughts on Labor Day.

On This Labor Day…

Insecurity, fear of the unknown, and anxiety have been heightened for many during this pandemic.  Unfortunately, the debilitating impact of COVID-19 has especially weighed upon those at the frontline of making us feel welcome, at home, feeding us, and finding a place of rest- Hospitality workers.

The courageous efforts of hospitality workers across the state, led to the passing of the right to recall and retention by California Gov. Gavin Newsom.  Actions like this give me hope. Caravans of workers spent days at the State Capitol, taking their righteous cause to the streets, and eventually securing an opportunity to return to jobs they have dedicated decades of their life to, amidst opposition by some employers and members of the business community.  Policy must now be put into concrete action by continuing to empower workers to be able to unionize, advocate for job safety and security, and hold employers who fail to implement the right to recall accountable.

On this Labor Day, we must recognize the dignity and labor of our frontline workers in the hospitality industry.  We must walk alongside our courageous workers to exercise and build their power through advocacy and participation in unions.

On this Labor Day, we must hold employers accountable to the law.

On this Labor Day, we must celebrate and elevate these often unsung heroes whose life of service allows us to feel welcome, at home, and find rest in airports, hotels, restaurants, businesses and industry all across California and these United States of America.

Tell Chateau Marmont to Recall Workers Today!

In March 2020, Hollywood’s famous Chateau Marmont hotel responded to the pandemic by firing virtually its entire workforce, leaving workers who had dedicated decades of their lives to the hotel without job security or health coverage during the public health crisis. Many of the hotel’s workers have since spoken out about their experiences working at the hotel, including on issues of disrespect, mistreatment, and a racially stratified workplace – issues widely reported in the press. Perhaps that’s why, even as other hotels recall their workers and resume operations, the Chateau Marmont has been dragging its feet on rehiring the workers.

Under California’s right to recall law, the hotel is required to hire back these workers as it resumes operations. UNITE HERE Local 11, which has assisted the hotel workers, believes that’s why the Chateau Marmont remains largely dark while other hotels have reopened to accommodate the summer’s rebound in tourist and business travel.

As Catholics we believe that a properly ordered business is a partnership between capital and labor. The labor of these workers built the Chateau Marmont into the prosperous property that it is, and these workers deserve to be restored to their jobs.

You can help. end the Chateau Marmont a message today saying that YOU won’t patronize the hotel until the hotel has demonstrated a commitment to respecting its workers’ years of service by rehiring them in accordance with their legal rights and to ensuring that all workers — regardless of their race, sex, or background–feel treated with dignity and respect. CLICK HERE to send a message!

Catholic Labor Network Report Documents More Than 600 Catholic Institutions with Unions

Did you know that more than 1 million American workers are employed by Catholic institutions? It’s true – our Church, in conducting worship, educating the faithful and engaging in corporal works of mercy has built a veritable empire of Churches, hospitals, nursing homes, colleges, schools and social service agencies. These institutions offer us the opportunity to exemplify Catholic Social Teaching in the management of our own organizations.

Workers at many Catholic organizations, especially Churches and K-12 schools, lack the protections of American labor law when they try to form unions. As religious institutions they are exempt from the interference of the government, including the National Labor Relations Board. But that doesn’t mean that Catholic Social Teaching doesn’t apply to these workers. On the contrary, the Bishops in their 1986 Pastoral Economic Justice for All observed that:

On the parish and diocesan level, through its agencies and institutions, the Church employs many people; it has investments; it has extensive properties for worship and mission. All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the Church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the Church should be exemplary… We bishops commit ourselves to the principle that those who serve the Church—laity, clergy, and religious—should receive a sufficient livelihood and the social benefits provided by responsible employers in our nation…. All church institutions must also fully recognize the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively with the institution through whatever association or organization they freely choose. (347, 351, 353)

We are pleased to report that we have identified more than 600 Catholic institutions that bargain with unions representing their employees. That’s a sign of joy and hope. Unions and management don’t always agree at these institutions, but the workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively is recognized, and they serve as an example for Catholic business leaders in the private sector who have to decide whether to heed or resist when their own workers seek union representation.

Unfortunately the story is not entirely joy and hope. While teachers at approximately 300 Catholic K-12 schools have union representation, there are about 5,500 Catholic schools where teachers lack unions. When Catholic schoolteachers seek to form a union, too many Catholic administrators take their cue from the secular law instead of consulting Catholic Social Teaching, and dismiss their desire out of hand – or even threaten them with discipline. And in recent years several Catholic colleges and universities have taken similar action when their adjunct faculty sought to organize.

Gaudium et Spes (68) reminded us that the right of workers to organize is a natural right that comes from God, not a gift from the labor board. ALL Catholic institutions should be prepared to honor that right.

CLICK HERE for the 2021 Gaudium et Spes Labor Report

Labor Day

The Working Catholic: Labor Day
By Bill Droel

International Workers Day (May Day), the counterpart to our September Labor Day, was inspired by an 1886 event here in Chicago. The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor obtained a city permit for a May rally/demonstration in the Haymarket area (now a trendy restaurant spot). Late in the evening someone at the rally threw dynamite. Police began to fire wildly into the dwindling crowd. Soon seven officers and four workers were dead.
Eight workers were quickly rounded up, including a lay minister, a printer and others. Seven were found guilty by August. Two got life sentences (one of whom was killed in jail); one was given 15 years. The remaining four were hanged in November.
A couple years after the Chicago event European countries designated May 1st as Labor Day to honor the Haymarket Workers. For that reason, May 1st became the feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
And what was the issue that brought the workers to the Haymarket rally? Shorter work hours.
This was hardly the first effort in our country to reduce the working day. The 1830s saw an Eight-Hour Day Movement, details Mike Konczal in Freedom from the Market (The New Press, 2021). As part of that movement, Boston Trade Unions issued the “Ten-Hour Circular.” (Presumably they thought eight was unachievable.) This statement prompted six months of rotating strikes and protests across Boston. It was used in Philadelphia to start a general strike. There was a big parade after which the city passed a ten-hour workday law. In Baltimore the city mechanics, drawing on the same statement, won a ten-hour day. “Demands for time could unify workers facing different working circumstances,” writes Konczal.
By 1868 Pennsylvania had suggested “an eight-hour workday as the default.” When it came to enforcing this suggestion or any other work-related law, the obstacle was overcoming the prevailing attitude that contracts are “a foundational form of freedom and government should never interfere with markets,” says Konczal. The contract need not be a written document. The worker knew the score when she or he took the job. The freedom of contract assumption, then and now, is a fallacy because “government and courts intervened in important ways,” but not in the interest of workers. Laws and court decisions were for the most part intended “to boost the power of bosses and owners while limiting and stymieing the actions of workers.”
The notion of an eight-hour day gained traction during the Great Depression. In 1930 W. K. Kellogg (1860-1951) changed the work schedule at his cereal company. Production went to three shifts per day, six hours each. An employee normally clocked 30 hours per week. Wages were increased by 12.5%. “This will give work and paychecks to the heads of 300 more families in Battle Creek,” Kellogg said.
The union at Kellogg proudly issued progress reports, documenting improved efficiency, decreased unit cost and dramatic reduction in injuries. Other well-known companies (Remember Hudson Motor Car?) joined the experiment. However, after World War II workers and their unions wanted to participate in the consumer boom. They pushed for more hours in order to get more pay, including overtime. Kellogg gradually phased out the 30-hour week and completely eliminated it by 1985, writes Benjamin Hunnicutt in Kellogg’s Six Hour Day (Temple University Press, 1996).
Covid-19 presents an opportunity to experiment with remote work, flex time and other work arrangements. The topic of shorter hours is also in the mix because our Covid-19 economy has meant a shortage of competent workers in some key sectors. Thus, some business executives see reduced hours as a tool for recruitment and retention.
To be continued…
Droel is associated with National Center for the Laity (PO Box 291102, Chicago, IL 60629).