Catholic Employer Report QUIZ!
Very soon – in time for Labor Day – the Catholic Labor Network will release its 2016 “Gaudium et Spes” Labor Report. The report, compiled from public information and reports by our members and friends, will list all the Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, schools, colleges, universities, and other institutional employers who bargain with unions representing their employees (at least all of those we have identified).
QUIZ QUESTION: About how many Catholic hospitals, schools, colleges and other employers bargain with unions representing their employees? A) 25; B) 50; C) 100; D) 500; E) 1,000
Bonus Question: Which Diocese or Archdiocese has the largest number of these?
Enter your answer in the comments field!
Los Angeles
Archdiocese of Boston has the largest number
New York
New York and 500
Tom and Charles are correct! As each of you guessed, about 500 American Catholic institutions bargain with unions of their employees. The Archdiocese of New York has the single largest concentration: teachers at more than 150 Archdiocesan Catholic schools and health care workers at the huge Archcare system of clinics, nursing homes, and home health aides comprise the bulk of them.
When it comes to Catholic hospitals, though, the picture is a bit different. The Archdiocese of Boston and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles each host more union hospitals than New York.
What’s the picture in your Diocese? Visit our Catholic Employer Project page on the nav bar above and select the Gaudium et Spes Labor Report to find out!