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Chuck Hendricks Remembers John Sweeney

I have never met John Sweeney, however, I have one story about his commitment to organizing the unorganized. When I was 19 years old, I attempted to organize my own union with a painting company in Baltimore. I didn’t know how to organize my co-workers, but I tried based on a book I bought called “Organizing […]

John J. Sweeney: Exemplary Catholic Labor Leader (1934-2021)

Prof. Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University The CLN lost a loyal friend and the labor movement lost one of the great champions of its history when John Joseph Sweeney died on February 1 at the age of 86.  Labor leaders reared in Catholicism have played a disproportionately large role in the shaping of the American […]

Courageous Google workers form Union

On January 4, a courageous group of workers at internet search giant Google announced that they had formed a union. The Associated Press reported that approximately 225 workers took the important step, “creating a rare foothold for the labor movement in the tech industry.” A foothold, but a small one out of the roughly 200,000 […]

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2021 – Register Now!

Feb. 6-9, 2021 Each year the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development hosts a Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington DC. The event brings together those motivated by their Catholic faith to fight for an end to poverty and exploitation, global warming, racism, the death penalty, war and other […]

Wins on Right to Recall in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington DC

The pandemic has spurred a national worker justice campaign called “right to recall.” Its premise is simple: when employers reopen after a pandemic-driven closure they should offer their furloughed employees their old jobs back. The hotel workers’ union UNITE HERE has been leading efforts to promote “right to recall” laws in cities and states across […]

Senators: Vote Yes to COVID Relief Package

Although the vaccines are at last moving, millions of workers, especially in hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues, remain unemployed. These sectors will not resume normal operations until the Summer, but the supplementary unemployment benefits that help them survive the interim expired at the end of July. The Catholic Labor Network and the US Conference of […]

The UFCW and the Grocery Industry

The right of workers to organize in unions is one of the earliest and most basic premises of Catholic Social Teaching. In most of the United States, every time you shop for groceries you have an opportunity to choose between shopping at a supermarket whose employees have the protection of a union contract, and one […]