Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2021 – Register Now!

Feb. 6-9, 2021

Each year the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development hosts a Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington DC. The event brings together those motivated by their Catholic faith to fight for an end to poverty and exploitation, global warming, racism, the death penalty, war and other crucial social justice causes.

If cost and travel time have kept you from participating in the past, CSMG 2021 is your opportunity! Due to the pandemic, the event will be a virtual one this year, which will enable many more people to participate and exchange views. This year’s theme is “Make justice your aim (cf. Is. 1:17): Rebuilding Together.” The Catholic Labor Network has teamed up with Catholic Charities USA to hold a workshop on new models for worker organizing, and the entire event will end with a virtual lobby day on Capitol Hill where you’ll be able to testify for justice before your elected representatives.

Registration is only $50. CLICK HERE to sign up today!