CLN Member’s Book Recalls 1989 UFCW 1105 Strike

“People Are # 1 ” is a book about the 81-day strike by thousands of Union grocery store workers in the Puget Sound Area of Washington State in 1989. It was a fight against corporate greed. The workers won because they had the support of other unions, churches, community organizations, and consumers.  It was SOLIDARITY in action.

To buy a signed copy or copies, send a mailed note to Roger Yockey, 5910 West Lincoln Ave. #23, Yakima, Washington 98908, informing him of how many copies of the book you want and where to send the book/books and your mailing address. Books are $10 each plus $4 for shipping and handling; checks should be made payable to Roger Yockey.

All proceeds from sale of the book will go to GATE ( Global Awareness Through Experience) to support not-for-profit grass-roots organizations in Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. GATE projects in Latin America include education, potable water, health and human services, agriculture, and youth leadership formation.

CLN, faith leader delegation meet with RJR tobacco about farm labor practices

The work of harvesting tobacco is difficult and dangerous, and is largely performed by immigrant “guest” workers. They have turned to the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) to seek improvement in their conditions, but growers in North Carolina and surrounding states have largely thwarted their organizing efforts to date. That’s why a faith leader delegation including the Catholic Labor Network’s Executive Director Clayton Sinyai recently met with officials of RJ Reynolds Tobacco.

Current conditions in the market create a race to the bottom, in which large numbers of small growers compete to produce tobacco for RJR at the lowest prices, leading to low wages and living standards for workers. Most of the labor is performed by “guest” workers recruited through the H2A program, who are subject to deportation if they displease the grower or labor contractor who sponsored their work permit. FLOC says that RJR – a large, profitable corporation – needs to take responsibility for labor practices in its supply chain, even if that leads to modest increases in the cost of tobacco.

The faith leaders, who also included Julie Taylor of the National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM) and Rev. William Barber of the Poor People’s Campaign, were invited to the meeting after collecting more than 600 signatures of faith leaders across the country on a letter deploring conditions in the industry that was addressed to RJR’s corporate parent, British American Tobacco. They urged RJR to negotiate an MOU with FLOC that would ensure the right to organize is respected on the farms of their growers.

RJR officials contended that they had taken several unilateral steps to promote better working conditions in the industry and sought to evade responsibility for workers’ rights at their suppliers, but the faith leaders were insistent that negotiations with FLOC continue.

The Catholic Labor Network is a member of the NFWM. For more information on the meeting, CLICK HERE

CLN, Blessed Sacrament Parish Host Listening Session with Displaced Chateau Marmont Workers

In December, the Catholic Labor Network joined Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) to host a listening session where displaced workers from Hollywood’s famed Chateau Marmont Hotel testified to long mistreatment on the job before being abruptly fired at the start of the pandemic. The workers, Alex Roldan and Martha Moran, spoke before a crowd of 30 at Hollywood’s Blessed Sacrament parish.

After a welcome and opening prayer from Blessed Sacrament’s Fr. Ike Udoh, SJ, who has been accompanying these workers in their journey for justice, Roldan and Moran shared their stories. Read more

A Path for Dreamers in the Building Trades

Courtesy of Aimee Shelide Mayer

Covid disrupted all of our lives, but it has not stopped the Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee, the area Building Trades Unions, and the Catholic Labor Network from continuing to offer the two-week apprenticeship readiness program known locally as Music City Construction Careers (MC3).  Since the onset of the program in Nashville, seven cohorts have passed through this rigorous, 120-hour curriculum to graduate and enter family-supporting jobs with the area’s building trades.

Two new stars of the program are nineteen-year-old twins Jeremy and Denaro Rios, parishioners at St. Edward Catholic Church in Nashville and immigrants from Mexico. The twins not only graduated from the MC3 program but joined the Catholic Labor Network’s federal advocacy team on a call with Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty’s office to urge the Senator to support immigration reform.

When the country moved to virtual meetings and communications, MC3 pivoted as well, offering online instruction with socially-distanced and safe in-person field trips to job sites and hands-on learning with tools, blueprints, and the course-required CPR/First Aid certification.  Instead of slowing down, construction in Middle Tennessee has ramped up during the pandemic and demand for construction workers continues to build.

The Rios twins were taking online classes through the University of Tennessee when they read about the MC3 opportunity in their church bulletin.  Together with their father, the three of them participated in the two-week program in November 2020.  Upon graduation, they selected the Bricklayers as their trade of choice. “For me and my brother, MC3 inspired us to do more than we would have imagined.  The opportunities and the knowledge you receive is amazing from learning about construction and the art of it.  It brought hope to me and my family to know that we can do something big and build paths in the future,” reflected Jeremy Rios on his MC3 experience.  As DACA recipients, the twins are eagerly awaiting updated work authorization paperwork to allow them to get on the job.

In the meantime, they worked with local CLN representative in Nashville, Aimee Shelide Mayer, to tell their inspirational story during a virtual legislative visit with Senator Bill Hagerty’s office in May, advocating for both the PRO Act and Immigration reform, particularly for dreamers like them seeking a dignified path and solid employment through the Building Trades Unions.


The Working Catholic: Lockout
by Bill Droel

Kellogg has used the lockout tactic before. In October 2013 the cereal company locked out its 220 Memphis employees. Issues included mandatory overtime and benefits. The situation remained until August 2014 when a federal judge ruled that in this case the tactic was illegal. The judge ordered that employees be brought back on the job with no penalty.
Now Kellogg has locked out 1,400 employees at four plants. The main issue is a two-tier pay scale—newcomers get less; as old timers retire the total wage and benefit expense decreases.
Employers who use the lockout tactic claim that it gives them leverage in negotiations. To stay on the legal side during a lockout employers must publically say that the door to negotiations is always open. A lockout is becoming a popular maneuver.
In 2011 the NFL locked out its players for 18 weeks. The NBA had a five month lockout the same year. In 2012 the New York City Opera locked out its performers. The Minnesota Orchestra did the same the following year. Also in 2013 Crystal Sugar in Minnesota locked out 1,300 employees. In 2015 Allegheny Technologies, a steel firm, locked out 2,200. And in 2018 National Grid, a Massachusetts gas company, had a lockout of 1,200.
To all of us in the Hot Stove League the most pressing labor-management disagreement these days involves the lockout of baseball players.
The lockout tactic is foolish without the threat of permanent replacement workers. On its own a lockout doesn’t make sense because a company would go out of business if it didn’t allow workers to come to the job site. Sometimes the threat of replacements is implied. In the current Kellogg dispute ownership makes the threat explicit.
Catholic doctrine has something to say about both lockouts and permanent replacements. First, however, here’s what our doctrine does not say. Catholicism gives general, abstract guidance on what constitutes a just wage and acceptable benefits. Catholicism does not endorse the specifics of any employer’s contract proposal in any given situation. Catholicism does not endorse the specifics of a union’s counter-proposal. (This applies, by the way, even if the employer is a bishop and the employees are gravediggers or janitors or teachers.)
Catholicism says that negotiation (which depending on circumstances can be smooth or hardball) is crucial. Totalitarianism (total corporate, total state or total both) is not conducive to a healthy society and holy people. There must be some form of negotiation, some form of democracy. Collective negotiation is the countervailing force that holds off totalitarian impulses. Catholicism strongly asserts that employees have a natural right and duty to meaningfully participate in the design and the benefits of work in some measure.
A lockout and its threats break faith with an acceptable negotiation process. Cardinal John O’Connor (1920-2000) of New York testified in 1990 to our U.S. Senate Committee on Labor. He introduced himself as speaking as a citizen and an employer. He also said that as a bishop he is a mandated moral teacher. The context was a dispute at the Daily News in New York City. Ownership threatened permanent replacements.
“It is useless to speak glowingly” about rights if either “management or labor bargains in bad faith,” O’Connor said. “In the case of management [it is] a charade of collective bargaining and a mockery [for management] with foreknowledge… to permanently replace workers who strike.” In 1999 O’Connor repeated Catholic principle, writing to nurses: “I remain strongly committed to a policy of no permanent replacements.”
O’Connor’s use of the phrase moral foreknowledge is important. A company that threatens the use of so-called permanent replacements knows the tactic is not an end in itself. Whatever the outcome of the lockout/permanent replacement gambit might be, its real purpose is to end possible negotiations and soon enough to bust the union.
To conclude on a positive note it is worth keeping in mind that the vast majority of contract negotiations are completed without any job action whatsoever. Yes, some posturing occurs; some swearing perhaps. But day-in-and-out negotiations are not newsworthy because nothing dramatic occurs outside the bargaining room and apart from the employee’s vote.
Droel edits a print newsletter on faith and work, INITIATIVES (PO Box 291102, Chicago, IL 60629)

Kingspan workers, clergy remember Grenfell Tower fire victims

A guest contribution from CLN Member John Murphy

This morning, before heading into work, Kingspan workers held a candlelight vigil in solidarity with thousands marching silently in London today on the 4 1/2 year anniversary of the Grenfell Tower Fire.

At 4:30am, in the rain, we huddled under tents, holding tealight candles- the volunteer organizing committee at Kingspan, SMART-union organizers and Pastor Maribel, Pastor Joyce and Pastor Jack from CLUE Justice Orange County.

We celebrated life, and mourned the loss of life. We prayed that Kingspan and other companies listen to the health and safety concerns raised by workers and the community. For me it was all the more relevant as we hear the testimonies of warehouse workers in Kentucky who were threatened to be fired if they left their job for safety during the tornados.

Today we mourn for the 72 people who died in the Grenfell Tower Fire, for their families and for their friends. And tomorrow we fight like hell for all the people whose voices are ignored, diminished, repressed. Grenfell was avoidable. So were the deaths in the warehouses in the tornados. And at Kingspan Light + Air in Santa Ana, management needs to listen to Lucas Hernandez, a welder at the shop and resident of the Delhi neighborhood:

“Today, we as Kingspan workers stand united in solidarity with all those in London seeking justice for the 72 people who lost their lives in the horrific Grenfell Tower fire. Here in Santa Ana, we ask Kingspan to listen to our health and safety concerns for our own well-being, our families, and our community.”

For more on Kingspan at Santa Ana, CLICK HERE

CSPL and CLN Bring Catholic Workers’ Rights Training to UNITE HERE Members

Follows workshops at St. Benedict the African, St. Oscar Romero

In 2021, the Catholic Labor Network partnered with Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership (CSPL) to conduct a series of worker’s rights workshops rooted in Catholic doctrine – starting in Catholic parishes and culminating in a program for members of UNITE HERE Local 1 in Chicago.

That workshop, held at the Local union’s office headquarters, brought together 6 local union staff and members to learn about the history of Catholic Social Teaching and the role of Catholic Church in supporting the work of labor unions and the struggle for workers’ rights. The conversations at this workshop highlighted the deep connection between the workers’ faith and their efforts to organize for the respect of their dignity in the workplace. Cecilia Leiva – a Hyatt Regency Mini-bar attendant elected to the UNITEHERE Local 1 executive committee – observed:

This training was very effective in helping us better understand how to tap into our union members’ faith when we work to get workers engaged in the struggle for their rights. We need to invite a lot of people to stand up and to unite behind our faith and our desire for our rights and dignity to be respected as people of God and as workers. We have to tap into our spiritual lives to give us the love, passion and courage that we need to stand up for humanity. We need everyone to come together and this training helped us imagine ways that we can do that.

In an earlier iteration of the workshop, CLN Vice President Adrienne Alexander helped lead discussions at her parish, St. Benedict the African. In this largely Black Catholic parish on Chicago’s South Side, many parishioners were union members or retirees and enjoyed exploring the connection between their faith, the labor movement and the fight for justice today. During the workshops, participants explored the experience of Jesus from scripture, teaching an oppressed people in ancient Palestine about the Kingdom of God. Tiombe Eiland of St. Benedict the African reflected:

Are the inequalities that confront people today, the same as the ones that existed during the life of Jesus Christ?  During this seminar, my team was quick to explain that class boundaries were very active over 2,000 years ago.  People were limited by family and financial status, the region you lived in, the area in which you were born or came from.

Participant Simone Wright saw the workshop as a prompt to activism.

The workshops reaffirmed for me the breadth of Catholic theology on respect for life. I realized that I must move from the sidelines and figure out what contribution I could and wanted to make.  The workshops guide one to action, not just discussion.

Additional workshops were held in the newly formed parish of St. Oscar Romero in the Back of the Yards neighborhood. At this workshop, 23 participants representing the four united parishes in Back of the Yards under the banner of St. Oscar Romero came together and heard from CSPL’s Director of Organizing Training and Economic Justice Organizer, Gabriel Lara, about how the teachings of the church on the rights of workers and the process of “See, Judge, Act” can provide a path for Catholics to put their faith into action when it comes to workers’ rights and economic justice.

CLN and CSPL aim to continue these training sessions and look forward to presenting workshops in both English and Spanish at the upcoming virtual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in January 2022.




Dorothy Day Sainthood Sending Mass Dec. 8

guest contribution from Jeffry Korgen of the Dorothy Day Guild

Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, was a friend to workers throughout the 20th Century. Her promotion of worker justice extended from the IWW back in the early 20th Century, to her efforts, after her conversion to Catholicism, to promote Church support of unions and low-wage workers–from seamen in the 1930’s to farm workers in the 1970’s.  She is currently  a candidate for sainthood.

On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, at 7:30 p.m., Cardinal Timothy Dolan will complete the seven-year collection of evidence supporting her Cause for Sainthood and seal the boxes of evidence, bound in red tape, at a special Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Please note that this Cathedral Mass  will be live-streamed ( for those who cannot attend in person. We hope you will be able to join us.

Labor Priests Certify “Card Checks” for Workers Seeking Union

The typical way workers form a union in the United States is ugly. When a majority of workers expresses interest in forming a union, management makes it their mission to talk them out of it by fair means or foul. At best, they force employees to sit through long lectures on the clock while they badmouth unions and hint that they might close their doors if the workers exercise their legal right to join a union and bargain collectively. At worst, supervisors fire the ringleaders to intimidate the others. The process culminates in a representation election run by the National Labor Relations Board. Whatever the outcome, it leaves both labor and management bitter for years thereafter.

There is an alternative. Some employers, preferring amicable relations with their workforce, announce at the start of the process that the decision to join a union or not belongs to the employees. Instead of waging a bitter campaign leading to a labor-board sponsored election, they just tell the workers: show me that a majority of you have signed up to join a union and we’ll bargain with the union you have chosen. This process is called “card check.”

Card check can bypass a lot of hard feelings between company and workers, but it relies on a critical intermediary – the two sides need a third party they both trust to actually count the cards. In this role, it’s not unusual to turn to clergy. Read more

150 Ohio Faith Leaders Tell Wendy’s: Respect Farmworkers!

Of all America’s workers, farmworkers are among the most poorly treated. That’s why the Catholic Labor Network, the Diocese of Columbus and Ohio Faith in Public Life organized a letter from faith leaders across the Buckeye state urging Wendy’s to clean up its supply chain by joining the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ (CIW) Fair Food Program.

For two decades the CIW has urged fast food chains to take responsibility for the workers who harvest their tomatoes by signing up for the Fair Food Program. One by one, giants like Taco Bell, McDonald’s and Burger King have joined the program, which ensures that they purchase tomatoes from growers who have signed on to a fair labor code of conduct and provides a supplement to workers’ wages. Only Wendy’s refuses to participate.

For that reason, the CIW has sponsored a boycott of Wendy’s and urges consumers to avoid the Ohio-based fast food chain. Each year in November, the CIW organizes a week of action targeting the hamburger giant.

For this year’s week of action, the Catholic Labor Network joined with several other organizations, including the Diocese of Columbus and the National Farm Worker Ministry, in collecting signatures from Ohio faith leaders on a letter to Wendy’s CEO Todd Penegor. The letter was delivered on Friday, Nov. 19. (CLICK HERE to read the letter and see the signatories.)